options(knitr.duplicate.label = "allow")
Surveys/experiment design, analysis; methodology, protocols, templates
options(knitr.duplicate.label = "allow")
A set of curated resources tied to use-cases, and a space to organize our discussion
NOTE: this is now publicly hosted but not indexed. Please be careful not to share any confidential data or sensitive information.
A github-hosted ‘quarto’ for structured in-depth discussion
What to include and when to dive into the rabbit hole?
Below, ‘a partial dive into the rabbit hole’, for one possible framework.
What do I mean by a ‘partial dive into the rabbit hole?’
Explain how it applied to our problem (generically if there is a confidentiality issue)
Curated links PeteW-gists-eqsue,
characterize in our own words (but concisely)
give a code example in a ‘vignette’,
check our understanding through communication and discussion with others, flag key issues
(Proposed/discussed below – keep updated with actual structure)
Major ‘parts’:
Our guidelines, style, approaches to doing and presenting coding and data work (discussions in progress). Discuss things like reproduceability, use of Tidy syntax (or not), Quarto, storing and labeling data, separating build and analysis, etc. Guides to presnting tables, visuals (moving that to ‘how to visualize’, reporting results in text.
Quantitative, ‘qualitative’, and practical implementation issues in running surveys and various types of experiments. Some overlap with EAMT gitbook methods section.
A range of frameworks: Bayesian, frequentist, descriptive
and cases: prediction, causal inference, statistical inference and updating, dimension reduction and recovering ‘factors’…1
Aiming at ‘preferred approaches’ (e.g., ‘which tests’) with justifications and code vignettes and
For more information on how this ‘bookdown’ was created, see our public template here, and also consult the resources at
We are using Renv
to keep packages aligned. Please install Renv it and snapshot
should tell us what packages are used/needed
dependencies <- renv::dependencies()
Finding R package dependencies ... [20/68] [21/68] [22/68] [23/68] [24/68] [25/68] [26/68] [27/68] [28/68] [29/68] [30/68] [31/68] [32/68] [33/68] [34/68] [35/68] [36/68] [37/68] [38/68] [39/68] [40/68] [41/68] [42/68] [43/68] [44/68] [45/68] [46/68] [47/68] [48/68] [49/68] [50/68] [51/68] [52/68] [53/68] [54/68] [55/68] [56/68] [57/68] [58/68] [59/68] [60/68] [61/68] [62/68] [63/68] [64/68] [65/68] [66/68] [67/68] [68/68] Done!
[1] "quarto" "bayesplot" "ggplot2"
[4] "pacman" "rmarkdown" "dplyr"
[7] "magrittr" "stringr" "tidyr"
[10] "knitr" "rethinking" "brms"
[13] "patchwork" "tidybayes" "purrr"
[16] "here" "Lahman" "stats4"
[19] "VGAM" "rethinkpriorities" "tibble"
[22] "tidyverse" "labelled" "tidystats"
[25] "furrr" "rnoodling" "DT"
[28] "ie2misc" "ggrepel" "urbnmapr"
[31] "GGally" "lme4" "janitor"
[34] "remotes" "base" "forcats"
[37] "gtsummary" "pryr" "surveytools2"
[40] "vtable" "readr" "rex"
[43] "assertthat" "broom" "glue"
[46] "grid" "huxtable" "kableExtra"
[49] "rlang" "snakecase" "stats"
[52] "vip" "workflowsets" "arm"
[55] "bettertrace" "binom" "bookdown"
[58] "bslib" "corrr" "DescTools"
[61] "digest" "downlit" "downloader"
[64] "gdata" "gganimate" "ggpointdensity"
[67] "ggpubr" "ggridges" "ggthemes"
[70] "infer" "lmtest" "lubridate"
[73] "plotly" "readstata13" "sandwich"
[76] "santoku" "scales" "sjlabelled"
[79] "treemapify" "googlesheets4" "renv"
[82] "conflicted" "dials" "doMC"
[85] "doParallel" "dyneval" "glmnet"
[88] "logr" "parallel" "parsnip"
[91] "ranger" "recipes" "rpart"
[94] "rsample" "tidymodels" "tune"
[97] "yardstick" "ggimage" "ggstatsplot"
[100] "pairwiseComparisons" "devtools" "dynverse"
[103] "MASS"
As always, focus on ‘what repeatedly comes up in our work’, linking the practical cases↩︎