6 Experiments: Qualitative design, implementation
See Reinstein notes on ‘why run an experiment’ (somewhat more relevant to ‘lab experiments’)
See informal ‘practitioners’ discussion below, from ‘EA market testing’
6.1 Other relevant resources
John List ‘Some Tips for “Start-Ups” to do Better Field Experiments and Getting Your Work Published’
6.2 Proposed structure of section
Basic design choices and terminology
Types of experiments: ‘lab and field’
Formulating hypotheses and ‘learning and adaptation goals’
Hypothesis testing versus ‘reinforcement learning’ goals
Design concerns and pitfalls
Confounded designs
Attrition and failed randomization
‘Demand effects’
Naturalness versus cleanliness
Practical and implementation issues
Survey and experiment platforms (see ‘surveys’) chapter
Field experiments, A/B and lift tests, and marketing trials
Designing, coding, and implementing experiments: IT issues
Failure and success modes
Capturing outcome data
Pre-registration and pre-analysis plans
… See Reinstein discussion notes on the benefits and costs here