1 Introduction

1.1 Notes on this ‘bookdown’ and the EA Survey

#From https://stackoverflow.com/questions/62028925/how-do-i-catch-errors-in-inline-code-chunk-in-r-markdown knitr::knit_hooks$set( evaluate.inline = function (code, envir = knit_global()) { v = try(eval(xfun::parse_only(code), envir = envir)) knitr::knit_print(v, inline = TRUE, options = knitr::opts_chunk$get()) }, inline = function(x) { if (any(class(x) == "try-error")) { as.vector(x) } else x })
#TODO: Some of this repeats content in 'main' --- delete from one or the other? #Define objects for 2020 survey year_s <- "2020" year_n <- 2020
#formatting functions op <- function(x, d=3) format(x, format="f", big.mark=",", digits=d, scientific=FALSE) ops <- function(x, d=3, ns=2) format(x, format="f", big.mark=",", digits=d, nsmall=ns, scientific = FALSE) options(scipen=999) #scatter_theme <- theme_minimal()

This ‘bookdown’ is managed by the Rethink Priorities survey team, (particularly David Reinstein, Willem Sleegers, and Jamie Elsley, under the management of David Moss, with the collaboration and input from others at RP. It concisely presents decriptive statistics, visualizations, and statistical analysis of data from the EA Survey, with minimal narrative. It covers both the ‘most recent updated data,’ trends over time, and analyses using multi-year data. This provides a supplement to our EA Survey series posts on the EA forum, and may be linked in those posts. This is a ‘dynamic document’: all of the code generating the results is embedded within.

1.2 Style and ‘collophon’

For more information on how this ‘bookdown’ was created, see our public template here, and also consult the resources at bookdown.org

1.3 Methodological discussion

We are putting together an organized discussion and explanation of our methodology as a bookdown here, and will refer to specific sections within. However, that resource is very much a work in progress.